
SDET with Jatin

Zero to Hero 🚀

    1. Please Read this Important Note

    2. Important Notice: No Downloading and Sharing Videos

    3. Lets get to know each other better?

    1. 2nd Dec

    2. 9th dec

    3. 4th dec

    1. Install Git Bash on Windows Operating System

    2. Linux Module Folder

    3. Basic Commands: whoami, pwd, cd, mkdir, touch

    4. Basic Commands [Text Editor] : nano, vi, echo , > , >>

    5. Basic Commands to Remove Files Folder Operations: mkdir, rmdir, rm-rf, rm

    6. List Contents of a folder using ls

    7. ❓ Linux Commands Knowledge Check

    8. Understanding cat Command

    9. Understanding head, tail command

    10. Understanding cp, mv command

    11. Pattern Matching using grep

    12. Understanding find command

    13. Understanding sort command

    14. Compare files using cmp and diff command

    15. Understanding history command

    16. Text Processing using awk

    17. Moving to Advance Linux Commands. Lets move to Cloud

    18. Step by Step Guide Creating Account AWS

    19. Walkthrough of AWS Dashboard and creating EC2 instance and intro to ssh

    20. Understanding scp command

    21. Installing Mobaxterm for Windows

    22. Revision Part 1

    23. ❓ Linux Commands Knowledge Check

    24. Downloading Jenkins using wget command

    25. Installing Java using apt and starting Jenkins on the EC2 server

    26. Running a process in background using nohup command

    27. ❓ Linux Commands Knowledge Check

    28. Understanding ps and kill command

    29. File and Folder Compression using gzip and tar command

    30. Introduction to crontab command scheduler

    31. Hands-on on Crontab

    32. Schedule Task with at command

    33. And its done!

    34. Survey for Linux Module

    1. Verify Git Installation

    2. Setting up Personal Info on Git

    3. Git Basic Commands| Study with Me

    4. Understanding git init

    5. Understanding git status

    6. Deep Dive into git commit

    7. Understanding git log

    8. Git Basic Commands For Practice!

    9. Undo Commits with git reset

    10. Undoing Commits with git revert

    11. Understanding Branches in Git

    12. Understanding Revisiting Branch

    13. Understanding Git Merging

    14. Git Merging Scenario 2 Important

    15. Git Merge Scenario Implementation

    16. Understanding How to resolve Merge Conflict in Branches

    17. Picking Just Particular Commits with git cherry-pick

    18. Git Revision Part 1- Study with me

    19. Understanding Remote Repository

    20. Creating Account in Gitlab

    21. Understanding git remote add and git push

    22. Revisiting git log for a moment!

    23. Understanding git clone

    24. Understanding git pull and git fetch

    25. Understanding git fetch

    26. Understanding git pull

    27. Store changes temporarily using git stash

    28. Ignore Files using .gitIgnore

    29. Understanding Git Branching Model Part 1

    30. Understanding Git Branching Model Part 2

    31. How to Explain Git Branching Model in Interview?

    32. Git Branching Model Practice Assignment

    33. How to use Eclipse Git Plugin

    34. Ignoring Files using EGit Plugin in Eclipse

    35. Resolving Conflicts in Eclipse using EGIT

    36. Git Interview Question

    37. Git Module Survey

    1. Install JDK 11 on your windows

    2. Install eclipse on your windows machine

    3. What are Data types in Java?

    4. Understanding Variables

    5. Literals

    6. Lets write the code togehter

    7. Understanding Code Execution

    8. Introduction to Operators

    9. Understanding Arithmetic Operator

    10. Unary Operators 101

    11. Relational Operator

    12. Logical Operator

    13. Bitwise Operator 101

    14. Bitwise Operator Code

    15. Understanding Assignment Operator

    16. Ternary Operator Short Hand If Else

    17. Instance of Operator

    18. Introduction to Conditional Operators

    19. if statement

    20. If Statement Code

    21. If Else

    22. if else if statement

    23. Loops Introduction

    24. For Loop Theory

    25. For Loop Code Part 1

    26. For Loop Code Part 2

    27. While Loop

    28. Do While Loop

    29. Understanding Methods

    30. Understanding Method Execution

    31. Method Overloading

    32. Arrays in Java

    33. Welcome to Array

    34. Array Code

    35. Introduction 2D Array

    36. 2D Array Code

    37. Jagged Array

    38. Drawbacks Of Array

    39. String

    40. String Code

    41. String Method Part 1

    42. String Method Part 2

    43. Intern Method

    44. String Buffer 101

    45. String Buffer Methods

    46. String Builder

    47. Procedural Programming 101

    48. Drawback of Procedural Programming

    49. Introduction to Classes and Object

    50. Classes & Objects

    51. Accessing Instance Variables

    52. Encapsulation

    53. This Keyword

    54. Constructors In Java

    55. Default & Parameterized Constructor

    56. Copy Constructor

    57. Constructor Chaining

    58. Private Constructor

    59. Constructor VS Setter

    60. Understanding toString()

    61. Compare 2 objects with equals() Method

    62. OOPS Interview Question

    63. Lets Complete The Student Class

    64. Requirement 2 For Student Class

    65. Requirement 3 For Student Management System

    66. Inheritance

    67. Simple Inheritance Part 01

    68. Simple Inheritance Part 02

    69. Assignment Solution

    70. Super vs This Keyword

    71. Introducing the Person Class

    72. Method Overriding Part 01

    73. Method Overriding Part 02

    74. Parent of all classes

    75. Method Overloading

    76. Revision

    77. Our Journey So Far.....

    78. Intro to Static Keyword

    79. Static Variables & Methods

    80. Static Block

    81. Static Block Assignment

    82. Build Design Pattern

    1. Intro to the Logic Building

    2. 🟢 Swap Two Numbers - Easy

    3. 🟢 Reverse Integer

    4. 🟢 Factorial of a Number

    5. 📝 Revision Time

    6. 🟢 Even Odd Number Easy [Bitwise manipulation - And &]

    7. 🟠 Check if a Number is an Armstrong Number

    8. 📝 String 101

    9. 🟢 Length of Last Word in String

    10. 🟢 Print the Even Words from a String Easy [String Manipulation]

    11. 📝 Revision For Question 3,4,5

    12. ⚠️ Remove Duplicate Letters From a String Easy [String Manipulation]

    13. 🟢 Palindrome Number - Easy [Mathematical Approach and String Manipulation]

    14. 🟢 Check if a String is Pangram or Not

    15. 🟢 Check if a String is Pangram or Not Solution 2

    16. 📝 Revision For 6,7.8

    17. 🟢 Pattern Printing - Easy [Interview Question] [Loops]

    18. 🟢 Pattern Printing Numeric Hollow Pyramid -Easy Loops

    19. 📝 Array 101

    20. 🟢 Missing Number in Array - Easy [Mathematical Approach and Bitwise Manipulation ExOr]

    21. 🟢 Sum of Array Elements

    22. 🟢 Find Largest Element in an Array

    23. 🟢 Understanding Linear Searching

    24. 🟢 Reverse an Array Solution 1

    25. ⚠️ Reverse an Array Solution 2 [Important]

    26. ⚠️ Move all Zeros at the end

    27. ⚠️ Count the Frequency of characters in String

    28. ⚠️ Find Frequency of Special Characters

    29. ⚠️ Count the Frequency of Charaters Without Using Hashmap

    30. 🟢 Two Sum

    31. 🟠 Find the Second Largest Element in an Array [Important Interview Question]

    32. 🟢 Count the Number Vowels of the String Easy

    33. 🟢 Roman to Integer

    34. 🟢 Integer to Roman

    35. 📝 Stack 101

    36. 🟢 Valid Parentheses

    37. 🟠 Check if 2 Strings are Anagram Solution 1

    38. 🟠 Monotonic Array

    39. 🟢 Changing Keys

    40. 📝 String Builder String Buffer and String Class

    41. 🟢 Separate numeric values from alphabets Java code

    42. 🟢 Replace all vowels in the input name with the character 'x'

    43. ⚠️ Merge Two Sorted Arrays

    44. Assignment 1

    45. Assignment 2

    46. String Assignment

    47. HashMap Assignment

    48. HashMap Assignment

    49. HashMap Assignment

    50. Array Assignment

    51. HashMap Assignment

    52. 🟢 Find the First and Last Char O in the String

    53. 🟢 Reverse Vowels of a String

    54. 🟢 Reverse Only Letters

    55. 🟢 Fibonacci Series

    56. 🟢 Check if a number is even or odd from an Array List

    57. 🟢 Count The Digits in a Number

    58. Logic Building Module Survey

    59. Name Shortner

    60. Transpose Matrix 1

SDET Mastery Course Java

  • Free
  • 240 lessons
  • 89.5 hours of video content
  • Build Real World Automation Framework
  • Ace your Next SDET Interview

What our Student Say?


Athrav Patil

QA Engineer

I have taken one automation testing course from QSpider which was very Basic... i joined Jatin sirs training for SDET with Java was a game changer for me.. Thank you sir! Even in the interview people were impressed with the framework we built in classes

Anjali Anil

QA Engineer

I have enrolled in the SDET bootcamp , and it's been an amazing experience. Jatin has been very supportive throughout the course. I highly recommend for anyone looking to upskill in automation testing and Devops

Sonam Jain

Test Automation Engineer

I enrolled for Test Automation course and it has been amazing, Thank you Jatin, You clearly explained the basics in every sections and pointed out key things to remember as you teach, which were useful.

Mandar Bhogate

Test Enginner

Very well in-dept understanding of automation concepts and assignment which help in practice of concepts......very much helpfull if any thing is not understood makes sure that each concept is understood by everyone in class.

We'll help you grow better in SDET. Way faster.

Our courses condense 10+ years of SDET experience into a few hours. We learned these lessons the hard way, so you don't have to.

Bonus worth 1000$

  • 200+ Latest Scenario Driven Questions


  • More than 100+ LeetCode Questions discussion


  • Build Impressive Automation Project


Few Commonly asked Question?

  • What is the Special thing in this course?

    The duration of SDET Mastery Course is 5 months. Its one of the most exhaustive and in depth course you will ever find online or offline

  • Is This a Live Course?

    The entire course will be conducted by Jatin Shharma LIVE

  • I am from Non Techincal background (BPO, Bank or Operation Role) Will this course help me?

    Yes, the projects that you learn with us goes back into your resume and hence for people who are from NON IT you will have complete IT work experience during learning.

  • Is coding background obligatory?

    No all topics are covered from scratch. So you dont need to know any thing related to Java

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